Any occasion is considered worthwhile when enjoying a good drink.
Liquid Gold presents a selection of drinks using our quality Prosecco…enjoy!

Blushing Bellini

This is a lovely ruby-red hue and has sweet cassis depths.

Shake 20ml freshly squeezed pomegranate juice, 20ml crème de cassis and 20ml plain vodka with ice in a cocktail shaker and strain into a tall slender glass.

Top up with 100ml chilled prosecco.


Lemon Sherbet Fizz

A mouthwatering, lip-smacking, tangy citrus froth. Pop one heaped teaspoon of lemon sorbet into the bottom of a tall flute and dash a few drops of lime cordial over it. Top up with cold prosecco, stir quickly but gently, garnish with a slim quarter of a lemon slice and serve.

Rose-ecco by Sophie Dahl

Invented by Sophie Dahl – fill a glass with Prosecco and pour one tablespoon of rose syrup down the inside of the glass so that it slides to the bottom.

Christmas pear Prosecco

Decorate the rim of a Champagne flute by dipping it in a saucer of water then into a dish of one tablespoon caster sugar mixed with half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon.

Add one tablespoon of ginger syrup from a jar of stem ginger into the glass then top with equal quantities of pear juice and Prosecco, garnish with a slice of stem ginger.

Raspberry Prosecco Bellini

Pour one part Raspberry liqueur into a champagne flute then add one sprig of fresh basil.

Top with four parts Prosecco and serve.


Peel nectarines, cut them up and, using a fine mesh sieve, push through all the liquid.
Do this for all nectarines until you end up with a bowl of finely sieved nectarine puree.
Using a spoon, spoon a big dollop into the bottom of your glass so it should be 1/3 nectarine puree and 2/3 prosecco.
Carefully top with prosecco making sure it doesn’t over fizz.

Sieving the nectarines through a fine mesh is the most important part, in order to get the freshest puree which makes the Nectarini so delicious.

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